Thursday, January 22, 2009

Snow Fun

We tried going out to play in the snow...however, Zoe was not so thrilled. Maybe we'll try sledriding this weekend and see if she does any better.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Go Steelers!

Daddy and Zoe just woke up, but we're headed to grandma and pap's to watch the Steelers. Because we don't get that channel with our rabbit ears! Go Steelers!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Zoe Update

Zoe's doing great. We've got 4 teeth on the top, 2 on the bottom and another one popping through. She just got completely weaned on her 13th month bday. She's eating alot of fruits, veggies and grains and loves to try new things. We're walking around everything and everywhere. We have still never decided to crawl, but instead she created her own butt scooting thing, so she still gets where she wants to go. Pretty soon she'll be walking on her own. In a couple weeks, she's going to take an 8-week Fun for One tumbling, activity class so we'll see how she likes that. She's still happy, content and as her name means - full of life!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

A few days late but better late than never I guess. I'll get a few more pics up soon with an update on how Zoe's growing and doing.

But for now, we want to wish all of you a Happy New Year! Make 2009 the best year of your life to date.

I think Tony Dungy said it best in his book Quiet Strength - which is great, by the way. "Hold onto the memories, BUT LIVE IN THE MOMENT!" Cherish today and all it has to offer. Cheers!