Thursday, September 13, 2007

We're into the 3rd trimester!

Well, I'm into week 29 going on 30. I'm still getting around pretty good but certain things are more challenging now, like painting my toenails and tying my shoes. Here's a pic from 27 weeks - next week I'll get a new picture up. Working on getting prepared for labor and birth, getting the nursery ready, scrapbooking and a bunch of misc. stuff. Baby Hensler still doesn't have a name, much to some of your dismay, but we are working on it, the list is a little shorter than it was! Baby is very active and moves around alot.


sherry harris said...

You look so beautiful!! Pregancy looks good on you. I am so happy for you.

brenda said...

I wish i were there or visa versa, so i could be experiencing this with you. You know i would be driving you crazy rubbing your belly and talking to her. So since i am not you will just have to do it for me and tell her i love her!